Report to: |
People Scrutiny Committee
Date of meeting:
22 July 2022 |
By: |
Assistant Chief Executive
Title: |
People Scrutiny Committee Work Programme
Purpose: |
To review and discuss the People Scrutiny Committee’s future work programme |
RECOMMENDATIONS: The Committee is recommended to:
1) review and agree the updated work programme set out at Appendix 1;
2) accept the recommendations of the Initial Scoping Boards on potential reviews of Adult Social Care Equality and Inclusion; Use of Digital and Technology in Adult Social Care; and Use of Prevention in Children’s Services to progress with scrutiny reviews of these topics (as set out at paragraphs 2.4-2.15);
3) agree the proposed Terms of Reference for the scrutiny reviews at Appendices 2, 3 and 4 respectively;
4) appoint Members to the review boards of the scrutiny reviews and agree the chairs of the review boards; and
5) review upcoming items on East Sussex County Council’s Forward Plan as set out at Appendix 5 to identify any issues that may require more detailed scrutiny.
1 Background
1.1 The work programme is an important tool in ensuring the correct focus and best use of the Committee’s time in scrutinising topics that are of importance to the residents of East Sussex, and the efficient and effective working of the Council. It also provides clarity for those who may be requested to give evidence to the Committee on the issues under review, and the questions the Committee requires answers to.
Discussion of the work programme provides the Committee with the
opportunity to consider topics that it may be of value to
scrutinise, and to decide whether further scoping work is required.
This provides a basis for deciding the best way of scrutinising a
topic, the timescale, and who from the Committee will be involved
in carrying out the review work. If there are a number of potential
topics for review, Members can determine the priority of the work
within the resources available to the Committee.
2 Supporting information
Work programme progress update
2.1 The following work has taken place since the Committee last considered their work programme in March:
Health and Social Care Integration Programme (HASCIP) Reference Group
2.2 The HASCIP Reference Group met on 6 April and considered an update on the Better Care Fund; and a presentation on the anticipated impact of the Integration White Paper and progress with establishing an Integrated Care System in Sussex. The Group discussed: the guidance and reporting processes surrounding the Better Care Fund; governance, accountability and decision making arrangements under the new Integrated Care System; involvement of Children’s Services in health and social care integration nationally and locally; proposals to address workforce challenges nationally; resourcing of Integration White Paper reforms; the role of Place and integration at locality and neighbourhood levels; and work to monitor and measure outcomes. Another meeting is due to be held in August or early September to consider the next phase of work establishing the Sussex Integrated Care System and progress with development of a locality framework.
Presentation on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Alternative Provision Green Paper
2.3 On 8 July 2022 the Committee received a briefing presentation on the SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper, published by the Government in March. The Committee heard about the background to the national SEND review and proposals in the Green Paper, which were being consulted on until 22 July, and how ESCC planned to respond. The Committee asked a range of questions to better understand the system of current SEND support in East Sussex and challenges with delivery of that, how planned reforms may make improvements, and how ESCC felt they should be implemented.
Scrutiny Reviews
Adult Social Care Equality and Inclusion
2.4 At its March meeting, the Committee appointed an Initial Scoping Board to consider whether to undertake a review of the Adult Social Care (ASC) Equality and Inclusion Strategy, to identify possible gaps in the current approach and future priorities for this work.
2.5 The Scoping Board met on 1 July 2022 and the membership was Councillors Geary, Ungar (Chair) and Webb. The Board received a presentation from the Department on the Equality and Inclusion Strategy, its priorities, what had been achieved to date and areas the Department knew it needed to focus on next. Following questions and a discussion with officers, the Board concluded that, while they were encouraged by the presentation demonstrating the level and detail of work underway to tackle equality issues, have inclusive services, and create a safe, fair and inclusive work environment for staff, there were issues that could benefit from closer examination by scrutiny, particularly work to define and engage with seldom heard groups and assess whether residents of all backgrounds know how to access and have confidence in ASC services. The Scoping Board therefore recommends that the Committee undertakes a scrutiny review of this area and Terms of Reference are attached at Appendix 2 for the Committee’s approval.
2.7 The Committee is asked to agree the membership and chair of this Review Board.
Use of Digital and Technology in ASC
2.8 At its March meeting, the Committee agreed to appoint an Initial Scoping Board to consider whether to undertake a review of use of digital and technology in ASC to identify potential opportunities arising from - and consider how the Department should prepare strategically for - greater use of technology and digitisation of processes and services in future.
2.9 The scoping board met on 1 July 2022 and the membership was Councillors di Cara (Chair) and Maples. The Board received a presentation from the Department on the Being Digital Strategy and programme of work underway to use digitisation and technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services and processes, the way the Department transacts with clients and carers, and works with partners, such as the NHS. The presentation also covered the Department’s planned direction of travel for this work, which included encouraging greater use of ‘self-service’ options such as online financial assessments and needs assessments; and, linked to this, working towards a ‘digital by default’ approach where portals, self-assessment tools and directories were offered to clients, carers and providers by default, rather than optionally. This followed the approach being taken by other Councils and would not see the Department removing phone-calls or face-to-face interaction for those who needed it. Following discussion with officers about this work and its importance to enabling the Department to meet ongoing strategic challenges arising from demographic and workforce pressures, and to meet new demand arising from planned reforms to social care charging, the Board agreed the area would benefit from closer examination by scrutiny, particularly exploring what cultural and behavioural changes are needed to support the Department’s planned direction of travel.
2.10 The Scoping Board therefore recommends that the Committee undertake a scrutiny review of this area and Terms of Reference are attached at Appendix 3 for the Committee’s approval.
2.11 The Committee is asked to agree the membership and chair of this Review Board.
Use of Prevention in Children’s Services
2.12 The Committee agreed at its March meeting that it was interested in undertaking a scrutiny review of the role of prevention in Children’s Services and agreed to appoint an Initial Scoping Board to consider the topic.
2.13 The Scoping Board met on 11 July 2022 and the membership was Cllrs Adeniji and Howell (Chair). The Board received a presentation from the Department on the national policy context and evidence base surrounding preventative work in children’s services, the current local approach, and the benefits of prevention and early intervention for both service outcomes and effective use of resources. The Board also heard about work underway to strengthen preventative approaches, including plans to develop Family Hubs using one-off Government funding. The Board concluded, on the basis of the discussion with officers, that there were areas within the work the Department had in train to strengthen preventative/early intervention approaches that could benefit from closer examination and challenge by scrutiny.
2.14 The Scoping Board therefore recommends that the Committee undertake a scrutiny review of this area and Terms of Reference are attached at Appendix 4 for the Committee’s approval.
2.15 The Committee is asked to agree the membership and chair of this Review Board.
Work programme
2.16 The above proposed scrutiny reviews are reflected on the latest draft work programme attached at Appendix 1. The Committee is asked to review, discuss any amendments to, and agree the latest work programme.
2.17 When considering potential topics for inclusion in the work programme, the Committee is asked to consider a range of questions. These include:
2.18 Any suggestions for potential Scrutiny Review topics should be discussed with the Chair, or the Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser, in advance of the Committee meetings.
Forward Plan
2.19 A copy of the Council’s Forward Plan of executive decisions for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 October 2022 is included at Appendix 5. The Committee is requested to review the forthcoming items on the Forward Plan to identify any issues within the remit of this Committee that may require more detailed scrutiny. The Forward Plan is revised and published on a monthly basis and Committee members should regularly review the Forward Plan.
3. Conclusion and reasons for recommendations
3.1 An important part of managing the work of the People Scrutiny Committee is regularly reviewing its future work programme. This involves the Committee assessing its priorities, ensuring its ongoing reviews are completed in a timely fashion and identifying new areas for scrutiny.
Assistant Chief Executive
Contact Officer: Beth McGhee, Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser
Tel. No. 01273 335828